Malaysia First 4D Results Statistics Website - Analysis on Magnum, Da Ma Cai (PMP 1+3D), Sports Toto, Singapore, Sabah, Special Cash Sweep & Sandakan 4D
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4D Gaming in Malaysia

4D, as the name suggests means 4 digits. It is a game drawn by a few companies in Malaysia. Magnum, Sports Toto and Da Ma Cai (Pan Malaysia Pools)

4D, is a game of chance. It can be played by anyone and everyone above the age of 18. The range is from 0000 to 9999. That means that there are 10,000 possibilities in the results. Buy a number from the range and if it is drawn, then the number picked will win.

There will be 23 numbers being drawn each drawing day. The 23 result numbers will be divided into following categories. First, Second and Third Prize. The next 10 numbers are Special Prizes while another 10 results will be selected as Consolation Prizes. Each 4d number in each category results will award different cash prizes.

Tahniah pada yang berjaya untuk hari ini,.. yang tidak tu kita cuba lagi selagi termampu,...magnum nampaknya masuk 4angka ooo 1st arini hihi Ok la adios amigos

The Company’s concentric circular logo traces its origins to the Greek amphitheatre - the historical symbol of the sporting arena. The concept of the logo symbolises the Company’s commitment to promote and develop sporting excellence in the country; formalising the original raison d’etre of the Company. The corporate colours of red and black in the logo represent solidarity and strength of commitment...

Today, the Company has a total staff strength of more than 450 working at its head office in Kuala Lumpur and branches throughout Malaysia, and over 1,500 staff employed by agents of the Company...

As part of our promotion and marketing campaign we have introduced a mascot 'The Toto Bird' depicted as a caricature parakeet. The parakeet is chosen because of its long association with fortune-telling and is always seen as a bird heralding good fortune, thus being appropriate for a gaming business. We employed the caricature of the parakeet along with the slogan "GO FOR IT!" and these have been the theme in all our promotional campaigns, advertisement materials, in the introduction of new Toto games, and thereby enhancing Sports Toto's presence in major sports events, charities and other company functions...


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